Friday, November 26, 2010

middle class angst

While we are talking about financial abuse, I have just started to notice a long term trend of late.
It is only my own observation and is extremely unscientific, but it strikes me as interesting info to file away in the old noggin.
It goes like this:

When my dad was raising his family, the times allowed a single spouse to support an average middle class life. When I was raising a family, it seemed necessary for both spouses to work in order to support the average middle class life. Looking at my children now grown and on their own, it appears as if some may need to hold more than one job to support their middle class dream.

How far will it go before the middle class is eliminated, or simply enslaved economically to those at the top of the food chain?

I could be very wrong, but I am starting to suspect that government, taxation, financial schemers, bankers and such, are those people who are riding in the wagon. The middle class is pulling the wagon. Those in the wagon, keep taking more and more from those pulling the wagon, seeking greater and greater riches and ease. We keep paying for their leisure.

It is just my impression. I could be wrong. But I also see others writing things on blogs etc, like "never before in history have so few people, taken so much, from so many", referring to recent economic pillage we have undergone to make wall street and bay street richer. To think that this pillage has been helped by financial regulators or people who pose as regulators, and ultimately by politicians who back the regulators. Sad.

I hope the Industry of Accountability will develop far enough and strong enough to start holding some of these crooked folk to account, before it is too late.

My effort at the Industry of Accountability is found at
check it out to see how billions get stolen each and every year by "trusted criminals" who do not have to follow the same rules as you and I. Join my facebook group and lets hold a few of them to account. Even if just "name and shame".