Any number of situations, financial, political, business enterprise, all run the best by those who lie, cheat and steal the best. That simply must change. The industry of accountability is my hope for that change.
After our next great depression (which we are now creating) I hope that people in North America will have learned enough about letting foxes run the henhouse. I hope there is a huge backlash against people who choose self interest over the public interest. Yes, I know, we all do that, and there is no stopping it. But where it is done by our political leaders, business leaders, etc, we have the right to enforce breach of trust and negligence laws and put them in jail.
That is the industry of accountability. Instead of employing lawyers and accountants to help crooks to cheat the system, there will be an entire workforce of professionals employed in protecting the public interest, monitoring public servants, and holding them accountable and responsible for their lies and for their damages.
Just like today, we no longer accept and remain quiet about types of abuses. Just like today we question the Catholic church and how they hurt people. I believe that given time, north americans will have had enough of lying cheating stealing and "organized crime" by our trusted leaders. When we start to put these people in jail and take away their money and property, then we will begin down the road to a safer, more prosperous society.
That is my story and I am sticking to it. I am Larry Elford and I work in the industry of accountability. I am a financial investigator, specializing in investment abuses, and my work on behalf of the public interest can be found freely at (industry tricks of the trade)
and (investment industry abusing employees and customers)