Saturday, December 25, 2010
Advocis is a national professional association that prepares, promotes and protects financial advisors in the public interest. We do this by providing a professional platform including career support, designations, best practices direction, education, timely information and professional liability insurance. This strengthens the relationship of trust and respect between financial advisors and their clients, the public, and government. The Association’s website is .
(advocate comments.......I found this posted recently and thought it deserved a few comments for honesty and clarity:
1. "Advocis is a national professional association" Actually Advocis is "attempting' to appear as a professional association, but is actually a group of life insurance salespeople who are trying to alter their image from "life insurance salespeople" to something other, something with the word "advisor" in it and something to make the public trust them more. A name change more than a substance change. Some might call it marketing spin. Some might even call it misrepresentation.
2. "promotes and protects financial advisors" This would be correct.
3. "in the public interest" This would generally be bull.
4. "strengthens the relationship of trust and respect between financial advisors and their clients, the public, and government" Again, marketing and profits would suggest that getting the public and others to "trust" life insurance sellers, so they can sell more is correct. As far as actually delivering on the honest disclosure and professional standards required to earn this trust, that is quite debatable. The name change is something akin to putting lipstick on the pig, and your financial wellbeing would be best protected by not assuming there is anything behind it other than sales motivation.
(As with all other "self proclaimed" organizations, or those who work their way into self regulation positions, when push comes to shove and they are taken to the supreme court, the customer will learn the hard way that these organizations work 100% for their salespeople members and they "owe no duty of care for the public")
Buyer beware bigtime.
The image on the top is a cover for the Advocis magazine, while the image below is the page with the cover exposed by folding back a half flap to reveal the true motivations, SALES.